Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Week Three: March 27-April 3; His Sexuality; His Affection

Hey girls, First, it definitely wasn't planned to have these two chapters in the same week, but am glad it fell that way. As far as the contents of these two chapters, my hubby and I in our short 7 yrs of marriage have come close to most of the possible scenarios...so after having had lots of very good Godly counsel in these areas and Bible study, these chapters were great reminders for me! Especially since I'm coming out of a period of a few months with me either pregnant, post c-section recovery, huge hormone swings, a month long illness, needless to say it's been very very difficult lately to put my "comfort" aside and not get into the habit of thinking "um...I don't feel like it yet" or "I just spent all day keeping your offspring ALIVE, are you kidding?" :) The paragraph where she suggested not only focusing on the positive aspects of our husbands and our marriage, but simply taking a few minutes to pamper and beautify myself (aka, get all the spit up off me!) just does wonders for my attitude. here's some food for thought from our study guide: -list the top ten priorities in your life. These are the things that occupy your time, attention, energy; kids, work, friends, church activities, etc. In all of this, where does your relationship with your husband fall? (ouch) What does this list reveal to you about your priorities? -if your husband IS at the top of your list under God (where he should be) is the sexual aspect of that relationship a priority or an afterthought? If it hasn't been, what are the reasons for that? (i.e illness, marital strife, financial worry, lack of interest, busy-ness, worry, exhaustion...the possibilities are endless) Pray asking God to help you make any changes necessary in order to make your sexual relationship with your husband the priority it should be. -if you have children, do you feel you and your husband have modeled for them a marriage that is filled with an abundance or lack of affection? How do you think it will affect them in their own marriages? Have you or your husband taken one another for granted in any way that has eroded your tendency to be affectionate toward one another? Has one of you assumed incorrectly that the other one doesn't need affection?

1 comment:

  1. I learned alot form the Sex part of the week.
    I dont think I had a good Godly deffintion of Sex and how it played its role in our marriage. but I'm starting to. I am guilty of putting my feels and needs before my husbands.here in the past year that has not been on the top of the list, I was pregant,had a pelvic infection or surgies or a broken foot. but in hine sight I guess only about 2 out of the 4 exuese were good ones, lol
    I am thankfull for this week and the insight to our marriage that it has given me.

    as far as the affectionate part of our realtionship goes, My husband desires affection more then me so I could be more submittful to his desires...
