Sunday, April 3, 2011

Week Four: April 3-9; His Temptations; His Mind

Hey girls, Hope you have a great week praying for you hubbies this week! :) Here's your food for thought for chapters 6 & 7: -Read Luke 22:40 in your Bible. What does Jesus specifically direct us to do here? Do you know what areas of your husband's life are subject to temptation? (at least in my case, I don't think we've just sat down and talked about this question specifically in quite a while...maybe this is a good week to do that. :) -Read James 1:12. If you sense there is a person in your husband's life becoming a temptation, pray this individual be taken out of your husband's life. *On a personal note, this doesn't necessarily mean another woman kind of temptation. In a past relationship I discovered that his friendships can also be just as or more detrimental to him staying in the perfect will of God... What does verses 13-15 say our own desires produce and the ultimate result of that? -Do you believe that God really has given you all the authority over the enemy on behalf of your husband? How would you address the enemy regarding the lies he speaks to your husband's mind? What are the two most powerful weapons against the attack of lies upon his mind? (p.82) -Read Hebrews 4:12. In light of this verse, how could speaking the Word of God over your husband in prayer help to reveal wrong thinking? -Just an idea/challenge: as I was praying the prayers at the end of the "mind" chapter, I thought (no...the Lord led me, as I don't have a habit of doing this!) maybe this is a good time for him to KNOW he's having this prayer prayed over him. So I sent him that Bible verse to him in a text that he will receive at work today since he was on his way in when I sent it. Sometime this week find a way to send your husband a "prayer blessing" in a way he doesn't expect it and see how it affects his day... :)

1 comment:

  1. praying for My Husband this week has been a little difficult. I guess its because I am not really sure what area in his life temptaion creeps in... I am almost afriad to ask I know that it has been in the past..after we got married Jeff started praying over his mind for one other issue and so I thougth that his mind was pure.. boy I was mistaken I had a small idea when he was unemployed that he may have thought these lies but Never knew the magntude or the effect of them... I will be praying that My wonderfull husband never hears those lies again they can really been damiging to such a senitive sprit as Jeffs!!
