Sunday, March 20, 2011

Week Two: March 20-26, his work; his finances

Hey girls, happy First Day of Spring! :) almost let's me want to let my boys go out and play in the dirt. :)

So I was going to split up the reading again like last week, but apparently here on in, the chapters are really pretty short. SO, I'm making the executive decision to go ahead and combine chapters 2 & 3 for this week. It comes out to about one page front & back each day with two days off. :)

Here are some food for thought questions. Also, feel free to play on last week's post as well, or any week for that matter, but especially since there was a lot of stuff on chapter 1! :) A lot to think & pray about concerning us as wives. Imagine that. :)

-Read Ecclesiastes 3:13 in your Bible. We often think to ask our husbands, How was your day today? Did you do anything interesting? Was the presentation successful, etc....but how often do we think about his being fulfilled through it? Does he enjoy what he is doing or is it just a means to an end, a job? God made our men with a built in need to take pride in their work, to live up to their fullest potential and use their talents and gifts. I want to challenge you to pray specifically that your husband feel fulfilled in his job. Even if his current job really is just a means to an end (as my husband admits his current employment really is...), pray God makes them feel fulfilled and shows them how they are or can use their talents.

-Read Matthew 6:21 in your Bible. Is your husband's focus on finances or on serving the Lord? If you don't know, ask God to show you & write down what He reveals.
In the study guide questions she asks if there is anything we can do to help relieve the financial burden on our husbands. Well, I struggle with this, as much as I have discovered I just really hate sales or the financial side of businesses, I have quite an affinity for crafting and making things. I get all wrapped up in the latest craft I've heard of or concocted, and my husband, being the supportive man that he is, allows me to run with it whenever I do.
Well, my challenge in this, mostly to myself, but I know several of you are also crafty women! :) is rather than try to swoop in and save the day with a new business (for those of you who do work either full time or part time, many kudos to you as you go the way the Lord has led you!) pray that God will give you and your husband wisdom in your finances as well as self control in spending habits and live within your means...remember God and the Holy Spirit have the power to change the way we live!

enjoy your week, I'm praying for you all!


  1. I have often heard My Husband say that he feared losing his Job. I sure it has somthing to do with with getting laid off back in 2009, he also makes the comment of how that experince has made him raise the bar on his work ethic.
    I feel soory for him walking around with the weight of the wolrd on his sholders and the fear of losing his Job, I am not sure if he is turly fullfilled sure this is his dream JOB but not really his dream COMPANY and he is afraid to look for somthing else because he is not sure he can find the perfect job at the perfect with all that said and have read chapter 2 I now know how to pray for Him..

  2. One of my DH biggest strugges is his job. Just not doing what he loves and it is a pretty stressful environment. I have seen some answered prayers for him in this area. I continue to pray that God will work this out for His glory. I am thankful that DH does so much for our family - to support us.

  3. I think I may take for granted how blessed we are that Aaron has a good job, and seems to like it. I try to remind myself that God has truly blessed us beyond measure that we are able to live on one income so that I can stay home during this time while our children are young. I know so many moms who would love to do the same, but aren't able. I think I could definitely do a better job of sticking with a budget and using our money more wisely. I am loving the way this books suggests specific prayers, now I can pray for him in ways I hadn't thought of before.



    Cool series on submission - seems to go along with this study. Finding lots of things on this subject...perhaps someone is trying to teach me something?

  5. My husbands career is a huge stressor for our family right now. We own our own business and have had difficulty keeping boundaries bw work and family time. With the current changes going on in our economy my husbands job has gone from very successful to very stressful and we ae considering letting the company fold. Not only has his market begun to diminish but our family has been grieving the tragic loss of his mother. He has been unable to focus and be as innovative and determined in his thinking due to the grief he is experiencing. All this is to say not only must we be prayerful over our husbands work and our finances but knowing and believing that our one true God is the only one that is unshakeable gives reassurance and glory to Him that will lead us through these troubled times. Often I am guilty of placing these expectations on my dear husband and am here to say that no human can take this on. The Lord is the only security any of us have. During times where we experience less success and financial lows we must be encouraged that the Lord is working to grow us and increase our dependance and trust in Him.
