Monday, May 23, 2011

May 22-28; Chapters 20 & 21; His Attitude, His Marriage

This week there was a paragraph that spoke to me in the Attitude chapter. For some reason not necessarily having much to do with the kiddos or husband, I've just had a little bit of a down attitude about things, allowing little problems take more of a place in my heart than they should. I think, hey, everybody with two small children, a husband that works nights & overtime, who is trying to buy a house is stressed has a right to snip a bit, right?
Apparently, WRONG! :)

On page 150, Stormie says "The Bible says we have a choice as to what we will allow into our heart (Ps 101:4)...We choose to receive the love of the Lord. We permit an attitude of thankfulness to rise in us."

-Do you react to negativity in your husband? How so? Do you immediately go to the Lord in prayer about it? How can you respond more positively?

Then, in the chapter about praying for His Marriage, I can identify. Not being the sports-watching type, (I enjoy playing them, not watching them unless it's with friends and a chocolate fountain!) I also prayed God would send me someone who wasn't WAY more into sports tv than I was. Well, God had a sense of humor, and instead gave me a "gamer." :) We have also come to the same conclusion that it is in our marriage's best interest to agree, he tries not to go overboard on how late he stays up playing, and I don't have to even PRETEND to care about it. :) The situation works, most of the time. ;)
I do like the verse she included, though, don't take your marriage for granted, no matter how great it is. "Let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall" (I Cor.10:12)

-Read I Cor. 7:10,11 in your Bible. Have you or your husband ever viewed divorce as an option which you would consider? (the joke in our house from our premarital counseling days: Divorce will NEVER be an option. Murder, perhaps. But never divorce! :) Write a prayer breaking the power of those thoughts of divorce and turn them over to God.

Love you, girls, have a great week!

Monday, May 16, 2011

May 15- May 21; Chapters 18-19; His Fatherhood, His Past

Hey girls, here is your food for thought for this week:

-What is the way for a man to become a good father? What is the best way to have a father's heart? (pg139)

-Does your husband have a good relationship with each of his children? Do you feel like he has bonded with his children? What are ways (other than prayer, obviously) you can encourage this to happen?

-Read Phil.3:13-14 in your Bible. Do you feel your husband is able to reach forward to all God has for him? How do you think your prayers might help him to do that?

-Read Isaiah 43:18-19 & underline it. What are we to do about the past? What does God promise if you do that? Do you believe this for your husband? For yourself?

have a great week ladies, keep reading and praying! :)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

May 8- May 14; Chapter 16, 17; His Priorities, His Relationships

Hello Ladies,

I'll admit, the first chapter this week, His Priorities is a subject I have often had to revisit throughout the years that we've been married, probably mostly due to the fact that he is a night owl and I am not, he has often worked evenings and while I do not, etc. So it's always been a little bit of tug of war for keeping what is important in balance with "allowing" or encouraging him to take the time he needs for rest and friendships. So yes, the prayer at the end of this chapter will definitely be ringing in my ears this week!

here's your food for thought

-Read Matthew 4:10 in your Bible & underline it. What should be the top priority in your husband's life? In your life?
-Can you think of ways you could set aside time for you and your husband to be alone, doing something HE would enjoy? Do share with us! :)

-Read II Corinthians 6:14. Does your husband have any close friends or business relationships with people who are not believers? I want to encourage you to pray for their salvation.
-How is YOUR friendship with your husband? I know some of us married our best friend, and others are in a more "opposites attract" marriage. Do you think your friendship could be improved or deepened? How would you pray to that end?

Monday, May 2, 2011

May1-May7; Chapters 14,15; His Integrity, His Reputation

hey girls, hope you're all doing well, and praying your hubbies are being prayed for regularly! :)

here's your food for thought:

-On page 118 Stormie quotes Prov. 20:7, she points out that this week, in praying for our husbands to have integrity, it's sort of a "two for one special" in that it is something that is passed on to our children as well. That makes me want to be sure I continue to pray for his integrity so much more, and that he passes that on to his sons, that they may be men of integrity, honesty, dependability, etc! Also remember our prayers for their integrity help shield them from the negatives that can cause them to doubt themselves.

-I also hadn't thought about praying for my husband's reputation as having a part in my own, such as in the Proverbs 31 woman: her husband is "known in the gates, when he sits among the elders of the land"... thoughts?

here are your discussion questions for yourselves and with your partners:

Read John 16:13. In light of this Scripture, how can you pray for moral and ethical guidance for your husband?

Read Prov.22:1. Why do you think God puts such a high value on having a good reputation? Aren't we not supposed to care what others think of us?? :)

What are 3 ways reputations can be ruined? (p.121)

Have a great week ladies!