Monday, June 13, 2011

June 12- June 18; Chapters 26, 27; His Deliverance, His Obedience

Hey girls,
Hope you're all praying this week, even with the kiddos out of school and "messing up" your schedules! :) We in my house are PRAYING like CRAZY to get closed on the new house Friday so we can GET MOVED! And looks like we only have another 2 weeks to the study! Let's finish strong, shall we? :)
here's your food for thought:

His Deliverance
-Read Psalm 50:15 in your Bible. What do you have to do to see God's deliverance happen in your life? Do you believe that Jesus is your Deliverer? Does your husband?

-Read Psalm 91:14 in your Bible. Often by simply setting our sights on the Lord, having a heart for Him, and living His way, deliverance will happen. How could you pray this Scripture over your husband, trusting that deliverance will happen for him?

His Obedience
-Read Matthew 7:24-27 in your Bible. In light of this Scripture, how important is it to you and your family that your husband obeys God?

-Read Proverbs 28:9 in your Bible. What happens when we don't walk in obedience? Does your husband experience frustration over unanswered prayer?

-Read Proverbs 29:18. When we don't have a revelation, we get careless. Bad things happen to people because they have no revelation and as a result throw caution to the wind. When we have revelation, we see the wisdom of walking in a manner totally dependent upon God and of living God's way every moment. Write a prayer asking God to give your husband that kind of revelation and a desire to obey Him.

Have a great week in the Lord! Love ya, girls!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

June 5 - June11; Chapters 24, 25; His Talk & His Repentance

Hey girls, here' s your food for thought!

His Talk
-Read Psalm 34:12-13. In light of this Scripture, what is a good reason to pray for your husband to be a man who speaks truth?

-Read Proverbs 15:23. What can we derive from the words we speak? Does your husband need more of that in his life? Do you?

-According to Proverbs 13:3, what is the ultimate consequence of watching what you say? How could you pray this scripture over your husband and yourself?

His Repentance
-According to Stormie on pg 174, what are the three steps to changing our behavior?
First there is ______________, which is __________.
Second there is _____________, which is __________.
Third there is _____________, which is __________.
What does true repentance mean?

-What does Romans 2:4 say leads us to true repentance?

-Read I John 3:21,22. How will admitting your sins ultimately affect you or your husband?

Have a great week, especially those here at Wedgwood, be sure and take a minute to relax if you're working Kid Power Camp this week! :)

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

May 29-June4; Chapters 22, 23; His Emotions & His Walk

Hello ladies, so sorry for the delay on posting....pretty much no excuse, just didn't realize I was letting it get to WEDNESDAY! I'm convinced time goes faster the warmer it gets outside. :)

Here are your discussion questions, hopefully they are not quite as much of a personal nature so we can discuss a bit more. :)

-His Emotions
Read Proverbs 22:24,25 in your Bible. What happens when we are frequently around someone with a constant negative emotion? (in this example, it's anger...)

On page 159, what should be controlling your husband rather than his emotions?

According to Proverbs 21:14, what is the best gift a wife can give her husband in secret? (also p.159)

-His Walk
Read Psalm 84:11 in your Bible. What are the rewards for those who walk in righteousness before God?

Read Romans 8:5-9 in your Bible. How can we live according to the Spirit? What happens when we live in the flesh? How can you be sure that you are not walking in the flesh?

have a great week!